to make the drone remote you will need following components:- nrf24 rf module(two) joystick module(two) arduino nano (two) capacitors (one) now connect the components in following way :- connection of nrf24 for both transmitter and receiver are same. there are some additional connections to be made in transmitter to read data from joystick so and connnect the joystick pins in following way Right joystick y axis pin = A0; Right joystick x axis pin = A7; Right joystick switch pin = A6; left joystick y axis pin = A1; left joystick x axis pin = A5; left joystick switch pin = A2; now after connecting the above circuit upload the following codes given for transmitter and receiver and you will get the data as shown below in receiver side. now transmitter code is as follows #include <SPI.h> #include "RF24.h" const int Ry = A0; const int Rx = A7; const in...