Patient Condition Monitoring System is a system that is developed to monitor the different health parameters of multiple patients simultaneously by a single person. The system can give warnings about the condition of patient if any parameter goes below lower threshold or above the upper threshold. The goal of Patient Condition Monitoring System is to develop a simple, reliable and economical monitoring system which measures different types of health parameters like heartbeat, temperature and movement of the body. The project Patient Condition Monitoring System has been selected because of the interests and opportunities it provides in the field of health and biomedical engineering.
Following application is developed to monitor the data
the system works as follows
Heart beat sensor senses the change in color of the blood on accordance of pulse rate. The observed data is sent to the microcontroller that converts it into the standard unit. With the help of display, the reading of heart beat is displayed on the screen. Similarly, temperature sensor reads the temperature of the person and sends the data to the microcontroller which is displayed on the screen. If the data is out of the normal range, a warning buzzer is activated.
Arduino circuit connection is done as follows
The system diagram is as follows
Sensor Data Analysis
The output
graph of the temperature sensor is:
Here as the temperature
increases, the Arduino data decreases.
The conversion formula between
raw data and temperature in kelvin is:
Temp =
Temp = 1 /
(0.001129148 + (0.000234125 + (0.0000000876741 * Temp * Temp ))* Temp );
2. Heartbeat data
Heartbeat sensor measures heart beat based on optical power variation. The sensor measures the change in volume of blood through locomotory organ of the body. The flow of blood volume is decided by the rate of heart pulses and since light is observed by blood, the signal pulses are equivalent to heartbeat pulses. The detected output is in the form of electrical signal and is proportional to heartbeat rate. The digital pulses are given to a microcontroller for calculating heartbeat rate.
Heartbeat rate is given by formula:
BPM (Beats Per Minute) = 60*f, where f
is ‘pulse frequency’.
3 Software development
This software has been developed using processing. It processes and displays the health parameters that includes heart rate, state and body temperature of the patients. An integrated development environment processing is used in order to create the interface. Various libraries were used in order create and add various audio and image files. The libraries used were sound library, serial communication library and video library. The software takes the data from the Arduino, processes the data and displays it. It also takes input from the screen and performs the assigned task.
This software has been developed using processing. It processes and displays the health parameters that includes heart rate, state and body temperature of the patients. An integrated development environment processing is used in order to create the interface. Various libraries were used in order create and add various audio and image files. The libraries used were sound library, serial communication library and video library. The software takes the data from the Arduino, processes the data and displays it. It also takes input from the screen and performs the assigned task.
4.Developed Hardware